Space Access Update #90 10/22/99 Copyright 1999 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Summer 1999 Congressional Reusable Launch Funding Results First, we have one solid win to report - the FY'00 Defense Appropriation bill currently awaiting the President's signature added money to the USAF Phillips Labs account where Space Maneuver Vehicle lives; we understand $15 million of that will go for SMV, a useful experimental reusable upper stage we've been supporting. Our thanks to everyone who helped make that happen. And then there's the NASA (HUD/VA) Appropriation... On the raw results, we got smoked - we got our hopes up a few weeks ago when the Senate provided $100 million extra for generic advanced space launch technologies, but this transmogrified in conference to an $80 million earmark for the "Spaceliner 100" ultra-advanced airbreathing launcher project. There was not one new cent in the final HUD/VA bill for the Future-X low-cost "Pathfinder" flight demos we support. As best we can tell, the immediate reason why this happened is, this is what NASA told the Appropriators they want - a jump start on a half-billion dollar "Spaceliner" project over the next few years. Reusable rocket work with some chance of paying off in less than a generation simply wasn't a priority. ("Spaceliner" was one of a number of things NASA got inserted into this HUD/VA Appropriation at the last second; another was some rather controversial Station commercialization language.) Obviously we have a problem with differences between our priorities and those of NASA HQ. They feel they've already done more than enough for us (X-33, X-34, X-37) while we think they've done far more to us and despite us than for us (X-33). We've been watching closely this divergence of views for a while; we'll be going into detail next issue - but we're already overdue reporting the immediate results for this summer's campaign. The good news is, NASA was likely going to spend several tens of millions on "Spaceliner 100" anyway - they have considerable flexibility in how money gets spent within the overall Aeronautics & Space Technology account, where both Future-X and Spaceliner live. This explicit add of $80 million for Spaceliner means they now have some money they could, if they want, free up for nearer-term payoff projects - such as some "Pathfinder" low-cost reusable-rocket concept hardware demo projects, starting this winter, genuinely open to the startups so as to begin increasing the vendor base beyond the usual suspects. "If they want" is the key. As best we can tell, NASA HQ does not currently so want - but we still have time to change their minds for this year. We may be trailing eighty million to nothing, but we still have at-bats coming up. Thanks, everyone, for the hard work over the summer. We've at least prepared the ground for good things to happen; now the game changes and we have to slug away some more. More on all this next week. ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society's sole purpose is to promote radical reductions in the cost of reaching space. You may redistribute this Update in any medium you choose, as long as you do it unedited in its entirety. ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society "Reach low orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the Solar System" - Robert A. Heinlein