Space Access Update #87 7/19/99 Copyright 1999 by Space Access Society __________________________________________________________________ Stories This Issue: - Key Weeks Here For Congressional RLV Funding in NASA, DOD - FAA RLV Launch/Reentry Regs Comment Period Closes Tuesday - Departed Friends - Thirty Years Since "One Small Step" - Editorial ________________________________________________________________________ Key Weeks For Congressional Space Funding Our two main Federal funding priorities this year are $50 million new money for NASA Future-X reusable rocket flight ops demos ("X-Ops") done as small-business setasides in order to foster new competition in the space-launch market, and $35 million in new money for USAF reusable rocket upper stage work (the X-40B "Space Maneuver Vehicle"). (See for more details.) Congress and the White House continue to maneuver over potential future surpluses, the '97 deficit deal spending caps, and tax cuts. Congress is trying to get the actual spending legislation, the dozen or so Appropriations Bills, done before the August congressional recess, so as to avoid late-September clock pressure (FY'00 actually starts October 1st) if the White House vetoes any of them. The '97 deficit deal caps have been partially dodged till now via creative accounting, but that won't work this year - the bills are coming due. The combination of the post-Kosovo defense increase and deferred cuts coming home to roost would mean something like a 10% cut to (among other things) NASA next year, *if* the caps are held to. The deficit hawks want to stick to the caps, the White House wants to forget about them, while much of the Congress is somewhere in between. The probable result is a compromise - we'd guess NASA will still be cut, but likely by a lot less than 10%. The short version of what this means for us is twofold: One, the actual money bill for NASA, the HUD, VA, and Independent Agencies FY'00 Appropriation, is now scheduled to be "marked up" in committee on the Senate side this coming Wednesday, July 21st, and in the House on Monday July 26th. These dates have slipped repeatedly in recent weeks, but we don't think there's much room for them to slip more without pushing them into September. The DOD appropriation, meanwhile, has already been passed by the Senate (with $25 million for USAF SMV), is likely to be passed by the House this week (with $12.5 million for USAF SMV), and (our best guess) will likely go to conference before the August recess - we plan to push hard for higher funding in the conference. Two, there will still be considerable pressure on NASA funding. Getting new money for Future-X reusable rocket flight ops demos, something we think is key to getting cheap space transportation in this generation, will take all the push we've got. We also, alas, need to oppose startup funding for the "Spaceliner 100" airbreathing space launcher project, as a matter of priorities - the RBCC engine technology just isn't there yet, and there simply isn't enough money to do needed near-term rocket work and start a premature "NASP II" project also - "Spaceliner" proponents have talked about spending $500 million through 2004. If either of your Senators, or your Representative is on an Appropriations committee (you can check at we need you - yes, you - to write them a letter or give them a phone call, and ask them to: - Add $50 million to NASA Future-X for reusable rocket low-cost flight operations demonstrations done as small business setasides. - Do not add any funding for the premature "Spaceliner 100" project, as a matter of priorities. The current deadline for the Senate is, Wednesday July 21st for the HUD/VA subcommittee markup, Thursday for the full Appropriations committee markup. In the House, next Monday for the HUD/VA subcommittee markup, Tuesday the full committee. These dates may yet slip again - but even if they do, your timely effort will be a huge help in getting what's needed in a very tight NASA budget. For more details on how to do this, see the Alerts we'll be sending out after this, or check our website, Thanks! ________________________________________________________________________ FAA RLV Launch/Reentry Regs Comment Period Closes Tuesday The ninety-day comment period on FAA AST's NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) on Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) launch and reentry safety regulations closes Tuesday, July 20th - all comments must arrive at FAA in writing by close of business tomorrow. For any procrastinators among the affected parties, the .pdf text of the proposed regulations can be found at with a posting date of April 20th. ________________________________________________________________________ Departed Friends Most of you likely know by now that Pete Conrad, third man on the moon, only man to vertical-land rockets on two planets, and founder of the USL group of space operations companies, died last week after a motorcycle accident, and is being buried today in Arlington National Cemetary. Pete Conrad could have rested on his laurels after leaving NASA, but didn't - he continued actively advancing the space business as a key figure in the DC-X reusable rocket demonstrator program and then as founder and head of USL. If he'd lived another ten years, we wouldn't have bet against him landing on the Moon again, in a ship his company owned this time - and he would have been at the controls. Pete Conrad had his head in the stars but his feet firmly planted on the ground. Our sympathy goes out to his family and friends. We'll miss him. ________________________________________________________________________ Thirty Years Since "One Small Step" - Henry Vanderbilt, Executive Director, Space Access Society Thirty years ago this Tuesday, I recall a hot still summer afternoon in the bunkroom of our vacation shack in the Connecticut woods, my ear glued to my (six-transistor!) radio, finally hearing those words crackling over the air - "Houston, this is Tranquility Base - the Eagle has landed." I'd blown off going to the beach that day with the rest of my family, I was just too into following the Moon mission. Once they were actually down safely I was excited enough a thirteen-year-old that my dad drove us both back up to Boston so we could watch the first moonwalk on our old black-and-white TV that evening. I was totally pumped - a dream was coming true. If you had told me then that thirty years and near a half-trillion dollars later, the US would just be getting started on its second space station, twenty years after trashing the first, I would have thought you were nuts. Thirty years and a half-trillion dollars? A growing Lunar base for sure, likely a foothold on Mars too, miners fanning out to the asteroids, and the first probes to nearby stars leaving soon, that's what I would have reasonably expected. Tuesday July the 20th 1999 is a day to remember proudly what we've achieved in the past, but it's also a day to contemplate the decades of time and mountains of dollars we've wasted (and continue to waste) on bureaucratic self-perpetuation since Apollo. "Keeping the team together" in hindsight was the recipe for institutional sclerosis in what has become the NASA-Industrial complex. The massive manned-space part of the agency still hasn't recovered, and may never recover, absent political will to do what should have been done post-Apollo: Define a realistic new mission, and redesign the organization from scratch to meet it. In the last ten years, we've started moving forward again, taking chances again, building and flying X-vehicles, developing new engines (there are more new rocket engines in test in the US right now than at any time since the early sixties), and perhaps most radical of all, beginning to figure out how to do space the way that endures - at a profit. We are however doing this far more in spite of than aided by the institutional dinosaurs of the NASA-Industrial complex. We don't see any practical way to reform them; the bureaucratic and political inertia involved is massive. We anticipate that they will keep plodding along doing a hugely expensive minimal manned-space program until they stumble into some form of self-destruction. Our main hope is to bypass them, staying out from under the dinosaurs' feet when possible, giving them the occasional hotfoot when they do try to step on us. Not exactly the best of all possible worlds, thirty years after Neil Armstrong's giant leap for mankind - but it beats the hell out of no hope at all. It's a good day to think about all the hard work still ahead of us, and to resolve to never dig ourselves a hole this large again. ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society's sole purpose is to promote radical reductions in the cost of reaching space. You may redistribute this Update in any medium you choose, as long as you do it unedited in its entirety. ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society "Reach low orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the Solar System" - Robert A. Heinlein