Space Access Update #77 10/16/97 Copyright 1997 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ stories this issue: - Air Force "Spaceplane" Startup Funding Line-Item Vetoed ** SAS Alert: Contact Your Representative, Both Senators, ASAP ** Urge Override of Defense Appropriation Line-Item Vetoes ________________________________________________________________________ (Space Access Society's sole purpose is to promote near-term radical reductions in the cost of reaching space. You may redistribute this Update in any medium you choose, as long as you do it whole and intact. Contact us for permission to use excerpts beyond "fair use" limits.) ________________________________________________________________________ Cheap Space Access Tech Development Vetoed On advice of Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre, the President marked the fiftieth anniversary of Chuck Yeager's historic sound-barrier mission by line-item vetoing both the present and the future of ultra high-speed flight. Leading the list of thirteen vetoed items from the FY'98 DOD Appropriation were $39m continued operations funding for the SR-71 high speed reconaissance/research aircraft, plus $10m startup funding for a USAF low-cost/fast-turnaround reusable rocket technology program known as "Military Spaceplane" or MSP. (SAS has strongly supported MSP as having significant benefits both commercial and military.) Also vetoed were the Clementine II miniature asteroid probe and an Army theatre ASAT technology project, plus nine other small projects the majority of which were advanced technology development efforts. Some of these projects were controversial, but only one ("Defense Techlink Rural Technology") even made our Pork-O-Meter quiver. The money saved by these vetoes is miniscule, $144 million out of a $248 billion FY'98 Defense budget, roughly six one-hundredths of one percent of the total. We single out Hamre because at the White House press briefing he made it clear that he was the one who'd come up with the final list of cuts. (Before his recent promotion to Deputy Secretary of Defense under new SecDef William Cohen, John Hamre was the OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense] Comptroller who shut down DC-X for most of a year by refusing to release its funding.) The White House's main purpose in this action was apparently to establish procedures for how the new line-item veto power will be exercised - White House OMB Director Frank Raines said repeatedly that he is focussing on how this will end up changing the overall White House-Congress relationship in crafting funding bills. We believe that Deputy SecDef Hamre, in coming up with a list heavily weighted toward high-payoff advanced technology projects, has allowed institutional political biases to color his advice to the White House, has contravened published White House space policy, is damaging the US technology base (and thus future US national security), and is also damaging White House relations with Congress, likely with adverse consequences for smooth implementation of the new line-item veto law. In the case of Military Spaceplane, we have considerable evidence that Hamre has also flat-out lied in stating "these are the items for which we really don't have a military requirement in the Department" and in assuring the White House of the same. We have a copy of a letter from CINCSPACE, the general commanding Air Force Space Command, outlining MSP progress and calling it a "key program". We are told CINCSPACE has put in place a formal military requirement for this program, complete with a "conops" (concept of operations) and a mention in the Air Force POM (Program Objective Memorandum, the Air Force's future budget-planning document). Hamre's office was informed of all this last Friday; they apparently chose to ignore these facts and plow ahead regardless. Without going into detail, the evidence suggests Hamre subscribes to a school of thought that considers radically cheaper decentralized space access to be destabilizing, and supports limiting the spread of affordable launch technology both here and abroad. We respectfully suggest that basic missile/spacelaunch technology is spreading wide and fast despite strenuous efforts to contain it. Rather than continue futile attempts to close the barn door after the horse is already gone, perhaps we should devote a bit more attention to outpacing the metaphorical horse by developing advanced affordable RLV technology? ________________________________________________________________________ - Political Alert - We understand that the procedure for overturning line-item vetoes to a funding bill is a simple majority up-or-down vote on the whole package. We strongly urge all interested parties to contact their Representative and both their Senators, and ask them to support a vote to override these Defense Appropriation line-item vetoes. Get contact info at: (have your local zipcode ready) - Background - - What is "Military Spaceplane"? Nope, it doesn't necessarily have wings or jet engines. What it's supposed to work toward is airplane- like *operating characteristics* - between-mission turnarounds measured in hours not weeks, ground support by tens of mechanics not hundreds of white-labcoat types, operating bases that can be set up in days with a few truckloads of gear, not multi-year construction projects. The goal is to be able to fly a variety of space missions on hours rather than months notice, for a million or so per flight rather than hundreds of millions. In the near-term, this would probably mean a reusable rocket. And yes, Virginia, this capability would have commercial as well as military applications, and no, NASA X-33 even if it meets every last one of its stated goals will fall far short of this mark - NASA apparently had problems envisioning anything beyond modest incremental improvements to their own current capabilities in setting up X-33. Some at NASA still seem to believe it's not their job to develop RLV technology for any missions but their own, with an implicit dismissal of military and commercial requirements. - US National Space Policy, September 1996: Some Quotes Access to and use of space is central for preserving peace and protecting U.S. national security as well as civil and commercial interests. ... (2) The goals of the U.S. space program are to: ... (b) Strengthen and maintain the national security of the United States; (c) Enhance the economic competitiveness, and scientific and technical capabilities of the United States; ... (4) The U.S. Government will maintain and coordinate separate national security and civil space systems where differing needs dictate. National Security Space Guidelines ... (3) National security space activities shall contribute to U.S. national security by: (a) providing support for the United States' inherent right of self-defense and our defense commitments to allies and friends; (b) deterring, warning, and if necessary, defending against enemy attack; (c) assuring that hostile forces cannot prevent our own use of space; (d) countering, if necessary, space systems and services used for hostile purposes; (e) enhancing operations of U.S. and allied forces; (f) ensuring our ability to conduct military and intelligence space-related activities; (g) satisfying military and intelligence requirements during peace and crisis as well as through all levels of conflict; (h) supporting the activities of national policy makers, the intelligence community, the National Command Authorities, combatant commanders and the military services, other federal officials, and continuity of government operations. (4) Critical capabilities necessary for executing space missions must be assured. This requirement will be considered and implemented at all stages of architecture and system planning, development, acquisition, operation, and support. ... Intersector Guidelines The following paragraphs identify priority intersector guidance to support major United States space policy objectives. ... (2) Space Transportation (a) Assuring reliable and affordable access to space through U.S. space transportation capabilities is fundamental to achieving national space policy goals. Therefore, the United States will: (i) Balance efforts to modernize existing space transportation capabilities with the need to invest in the development of improved future capabilities; (ii) Maintain a strong transportation capability and technology base to meet national needs for space transport of personnel and payloads; (iii) Promote reduction in the cost of current space transportation systems while improving their reliability, operability, responsiveness, and safety; (iv) Foster technology development and demonstration to support a future decision on the development of next generation reusable space transportation systems that greatly reduce the cost of access to space; ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society "Reach low orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the Solar System" - Robert Anson Heinlein