Space Access Update #68 7/21/96 Copyright 1996 by Space Access Society _______________________________________________________________________ We've gotten used to relaxing this last year or two, perhaps a bit too much. The main questions over X-33 weren't whether it would happen, but details of how. We fought those issues, won some, lost some, but none seemed life or death at the time. So now we have an X-33 on its way, and we find that we're only marginally more optimistic about seeing "affordable reliable access to space for all" anytime soon than we were back when "X-33" was still an unassigned x-number. No satisfying some people, eh? Incurable Malcontents R Us, looks like. Well, maybe. Maybe not. We think there's a strong case for at least one additional X-rocket project, as a low cost combined technological complement, engineering/managerial backup, and stay-focussed incentive for X-33. We think the logical candidate for this project is a series of incremental upgrades to the existing successful DC-XA, run by USAF working with NASA. We think this can immensely increase the overall chances of RLV program success for roughly 20% additional funding. If you don't agree with us, let us know - maybe you'll convince us, maybe we'll convince you, likely we'll all learn. Email comments to, or make public comments to Space Access Update #68 on the internet newsgroup. If you do agree with us, be aware that getting DC-XB and then perhaps C built and flown in a timely manner requires some serious new political support, right now. This is a very bad time to continue sitting back and assuming others will take care of things... _______________________________________________________________________ Stories this issue: - DC-XA Flight 4 Rescheduled, Tentatively July 31st - SR-71 Mounted Subscale X-33 Aerospike Engine (LASRE Project) Progress - X-33, Followon RLV Engine Specs - SSTO R&D Funding News - X-33 And DC-XA/B - Alert! DC-XB Startup Funding At Critical Point - (Standard SAS Contact/Membership/Videotape Info, Reproduction Rights Info, And Policy Boilerplate Sections) __________________________________________________________________________ DC-XA Flight 4 Rescheduled, Tentatively July 31st The DC-XA flight sceduled for Friday July 12th was postponed after a series of delays, first to replace and reprogram a computer, then waiting for sufficient wind to launch safely. Minimum launch wind at the pad is three knots, in order to safely disperse vented engine- precool hydrogen. The wind never picked up and the flight was ultimately scrubbed at around four-thirty in the afternoon. The flight couldn't be immediately rescheduled because the range was tied up with preparations for a THAAD/HERA missile interceptor test the following week. The DC-XA managers decided to stand down long enough to reinstall the hydrogen-fuelled APU (auxiliary power unit) and do the next flight with the APU running, around the end of July. Tentative flight date is Wednesday, July 31st. A large number of friends and family of the DC-XA crew were guests at the July 12th attempt, along with some USAF people from nearby Holloman AFB. High point of the day was a brief ceremony to thank the White Sands Missile Range fire crew for their efforts supporting DC-X, including twice dousing post-landing fires. Representatives of the fire crew were presented with a DC-X plaque; the speeches were mercifully brief. Other than that, the most exciting thing going was the continuing search for scraps of shade - the rains have come to New Mexico, and it was humid as well as 100F+ hot. To everyone there who'd never before sat in the desrt for hours of waiting for everything to be right to fly, welcome to the experimental rocket business... In other DC-XA news, while officially there are only two more DC-XA flights scheduled, we hear NASA is looking very favorably on an additional 4-5 flights through the end of the summer. We also hear there's some chance DC-XA will go on tour in 1997, travelling to several other locations in order to gain experience with rapidly setting up and operating from austere sites. __________________________________________________________________________ SR-71 Mounted Subscale X-33 Aerospike Engine (LASRE Project) Progress __________________________________________________________________________ - X-33, Followon RLV Engine Specs __________________________________________________________________________ DOD SSTO Funding Alert (Maximum effort needed! Get EVERYBODY you can talk into it to help on this one. We have a brand new program here and we need to sell the living bejabers out of it - we need to get funds for this into the FY'97 budget NOW.) Congressional support for USAF reusable rocket work, meanwhile, very much cannot be taken for granted. Left alone, we would likely see between $25 million and nothing at all for Fiscal Year '97 (FY'97 starts October 1st) out of the Congressional Defense funding bills. We need at least $50 million, which in addition to the still-unreleased $25 million in FY'96 funds would be enough to get DC-XB (the summer '98 Mach 3+ upgrade) well underway, along with advance work on the Mach 10 DC-XC. There are two House-Senate DOD funding conferences we need to work, Authorization, already underway, and Appropriations, starting sometime next week. Of the two, Authorizations is important, but Appropriations is CRITICAL. The FY'97 DOD Authorizations bill (think of it as the authorized shopping list) is already in House-Senate conference. This conference is likely to go on at least through next week; there's still time to affect the process. The House version has $50 million, the Senate $25 million - we mainly need to work for support in the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) for acceding to the House number. The FY'97 DOD Appropriations conference (think of it as actually writing the checks) will get underway as soon as the Senate passes their version of the DOD FY'97 Appropriations bill, likely early next week. The House version calls for $25 million for USAF reusable rocket work. The Senate version almost certainly will call for nothing at all. We need to work both sides of this conference HARD to raise the amount appropriated to $50 million. These guys know they're writing real checks from a limited account; this one will be tough - but we have to talk them into supporting this. If a Senator from your state is on the SASC or Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee lists attached, or if a Representative whose district you live in or near is on the attached House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee list, call write or fax them by early this coming week of July 15th, and ask them to support: $50 million in FY'97 reusable rocket funding for USAF Phillips Labs, and also $50 million for the Clementine II asteroid flyby probe in FY'97 (we made a mutual support deal, and Clementine II seems a fairly good thing anyway.) Both the Phillips Labs reusable rocket work and Clementine 2 strike us as prime examples of "dual-use" technologies - both have potential long-term military applications (Clementine 1 and the proposed Clementine 2 both use(d) SDIO-developed miniaturized sensors and components to do their science missions small, fast, and cheap) and both have considerable economic/scientific civilian benefit. See the previous article for details on why DC-XB/C is a good thing for USAF to be doing - the Senate in particular will want convincing that spending this DOD money is actually relevant to national defense. How you approach your Senator or Representative on these recommendations is up to you, of course. Always tell the truth! But sometimes emphasize the aspects they're more likely to respond to... As usual, if you call or fax, be brief and be polite; the overworked staffers will appreciate it. If you call, tell them who you are ("Hi, I'm Joe Smith from ") and what you want ("I'm calling about a couple things I'd like to see supported in the Defense Appropriations/Authorizations markup"). They may switch you to another staffer (more likely to that staffer's voicemail) or they may ask you what those things you want are. If they ask, tell them you support $50 million in funding for reusable rocket work at USAF Phillips Labs, and also for the Clementine 2 asteroid probe. If they have any questions, answer them as best you can; if not, thank them for their time and ring off. If you end up with another staffer's voicemail, repeat the whole message of who you are, where you want something done, and what it is you want, then thank 'em for their time and ring off. If you fax or write, keep it to one page, lead off with what you want (as above), and then follow up with a paragraph or two of why you think these things are worth funding if you're so inclined. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, National Security Subcommittee voice fax Sen. Hatfield, Mark (R OR) 1-202-224-3753 1-202-224-0276 (chair, full SAC) Sen. Byrd, Robert (D WV) 1-202-224-3954 1-202-224-4025 (Ranking Minority Member, full SAC) Sen. Stevens, Ted (R AK) 1-202-224-3004 1-202-224-1044 (chair, SAC NatSec Sub) Sen. Inouye, Daniel (D HI) 1-202-224-3934 1-202-224-6747 (Ranking Minority Member, SAC NatSec Sub) Sen. Cochran, Thad (R MS) 1-202-224-5054 1-202-224-3576 Sen. Gramm, Phil (R TX) 1-202-224-2934 1-202-228-2856 Sen. Domenici, Pete V. (R NM) 1-202-224-6621 1-202-224-7371 Sen. McConnell, Mitch (R KY) 1-202-224-2541 1-202-224-2499 Sen. Specter, Arlen (R PA) 1-202-224-4254 1-202-224-1893 Sen. Bond, Christopher (R MO) 1-202-224-5721 1-202-224-8149 Sen. Mack, Connie (R FL) 1-202-224-5274 1-202-224-8022 Sen. Shelby, Richard C. (R AL) 1-202-224-5744 1-202-224-3416 Sen. Hollings, Ernest (D SC) 1-202-224-6121 1-202-224-4293 Sen. Johnston, J. Bennett (D LA) 1-202-224-5824 1-202-224-2952 Sen. Leahy, Patrick (D VT) 1-202-224-4242 1-202-224-3595 Sen. Harkin, Thomas (D IA) 1-202-224-3254 1-202-224-7431 Sen. Lautenberg, Frank (D NJ) 1-202-224-4744 1-202-224-9707 House Appropriations Committee, National Security Subcommittee List ("Representative XYZ, US House, Washington DC 20515" will get mail to them.) (Appropriations Chair) voice fax Livingston, Robert (R-01 LA) 1-202-225-3015 1-202-225-0739 (Appropriations Ranking Minority Member) Obey, David R. (D-07) 1-202-225-3365 1-202-225-0561 (NatSec Subcommittee Chair) Young, C. W. Bill (R-10 FL) 1-202-225-5961 1-202-225-9764 (NatSecSubcommittee RMM) Murtha, John P. (D-12 PA) 1-202-225-2065 1-202-225-5709 Lewis, Jerry (R-40 CA) 1-202-225-5861 1-202-225-6498 Livingston, Robert (R-01 LA) 1-202-225-3015 1-202-225-0739 Sabo, Martin Olav (D-05 MN) 1-202-225-4755 1-202-225-4886 Hefner, Bill (D-08 NC) 1-202-225-3715 1-202-225-4036 Skeen, Joseph (R-02 NM) 1-202-225-2365 1-202-225-9599 Hobson, David L. (R-07 OH) 1-202-225-4324 1-202-225-1984 McDade, Joseph M. (R-10 PA) 1-202-225-3731 1-202-225-9594 Bonilla, Henry (R-23 TX) 1-202-225-4511 1-202-225-2237 Wilson, Charles (D-02 TX) 1-202-225-2401 1-202-225-1764 Nethercutt, George (R-05 WA) 1-202-225-2006 1-202-225-7181 Dicks, Norman D. (D-06 WA) 1-202-225-5916 1-202-226-1176 Neumann, Mark (R-01 WI) 1-202-225-3031 1-202-225-3393 __________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society "Reach low orbit and you're halfway to anywhere 4855 E Warner Rd #24-150 in the Solar System." Phoenix AZ 85044 - Robert A. Heinlein 602 431-9283 voice/fax "You can't get there from here." - Anonymous __________________________________________________________________________ To join Space Access Society or buy the SSTO/DC-X V 3.0 video we have for sale (Two hours, includes all eight DC-X flights, X-33 animations, X-33, DC-X and SSTO backgrounders, aerospike engine test-stand footage, plus White Sands Missile Range DC-X ops site post flight footage) mail a check to: SAS, 4855 E Warner Rd #24-150, Phoenix AZ 85044. SAS membership with direct email of Space Access Updates is $30 US per year; the SSTO V 3.0 video is $25, $5 off for SAS members, $8 extra for shipping outside the US and Canada, VHS NTSC only. - Permission granted to redistribute the full and unaltered text of this - - piece, including the copyright and this notice. All other rights - - reserved. In other words, crossposting, emailing, or printing this - - whole and passing it on to interested parties is strongly encouraged. - ------------------------(SAS Policy Boilerplate)------------------------ Space Access Update is Space Access Society's when-there's-news publication. Space Access Society's goal is to promote affordable access to space for all, period. We believe in concentrating our resources at whatever point looks like yielding maximum progress toward this goal. Right now, we think this means working our tails off trying to get the government to build and fly a high-speed reusable rocket demonstrator, one or more "X-rockets", in the next three years, in order to quickly build up both experience with and confidence in reusable Single-Stage To Orbit (SSTO) technology. The idea is to reduce SSTO technical uncertainty (and thus development risk and cost) while at the same time increasing investor confidence, to the point where SSTO will make sense as a private commercial investment. We have reason to believe we're not far from that point now. Our major current focus is on supporting the government's fully reusable single-stage rocket technology programs, the low-speed DC-XA, and its high-speed followon, the X-33 NASA/DOD/industry cooperative project. With luck and hard work, we should see fully-reusable rocket testbeds flying into space well before the end of this decade, with practical orbital transport projects getting underway. Join us, and help us make it happen. Henry Vanderbilt, Executive Director, Space Access Society