Space Access Update #88 7/24/99 Copyright 1999 by Space Access Society __________________________________________________________________ Stories This Issue: - Latest on Congressional NASA, DOD RLV Funding - Rotary Rocket Flies ATV, Does Second Round of Layoffs - Miscellany - USA Sponsored Shuttle Forever Symposium, New US Defense Space Policy, SAS Needs Money! ________________________________________________________________________ Latest on Congressional NASA, DOD RLV Funding Our current alert (see asks you to contact any members of the House or Senate Appropriations committees local to you, and ask them to A: add $50 million to NASA Future-X for reusable rocket low-cost flight ops demonstrations, and B: as a matter of priorities, do NOT fund startup of the premature and oversold "Spaceliner 100" airbreathing launcher project. The Senate NASA appropriators (the HUD, VA, and Independent Agencies subcommittee, then the full Appropriations committee) were scheduled to "mark up" their NASA funding bill last week, but they once again postponed. Keep after them, but save the phone charges and use paper mail - all they'll say about when they will actually do markup is "before the August recess", which starts August 6th. That narrows things down to either this coming week, or the week after, and we'd guess at the current pace the week after (starting Monday August 2nd) is more likely. So if you haven't yet gotten around to contacting them, or if you did but via voice phone, get their DC office address from, buy a stamp, and send them a letter first thing this week - it'll likely get there in time. The House HUD/VA appropriations bill, as of last Thursday, was still scheduled for subcommittee markup this Monday July 26th, late in the day. So if your Congressman is on Appropriations and you haven't yet contacted him or her, phone or fax Monday! See the alert at for details on how. Over in the Defense Department budget, we're pushing for funding for the X-40B "Space Maneuver Vehicle" (SMV), a spacegoing version of the USAF Phillips Lab X-40A landing-only reusable upper stage demonstrator flown successfully last winter. X-40B will demonstrate a variety of reusable space-launch, on-orbit, and reentry operations we and the USAF think very useful, operations complementary to what NASA plans to do with the related X-37. We and various like-minded folk have been working this one for a while - the Senate Defense Appropriation was passed weeks ago with $25 million for this project. Last week the House marked up and passed its version of the DOD funding bill with surprising speed - with nothing for SMV in it, oops. We've been given to understand that there is support for USAF SMV among the House Appropriators, and that it is possible they'll accede to the Senate position of $25 million funding when it comes time for the two to hammer out their differences in conference. We don't know when the Defense Appropriations conference will happen, though we suspect (for arcane tactical reasons) it may take place untraditionally early, within the next two weeks. As soon as we know the timing for sure, we're going to be asking your help pushing hard for full funding for X-40B. ________________________________________________________________________ Rotary Rocket Flies ATV, Does Second Round of Layoffs Rotary Rocket Company at about 8:30 am PDT on Friday July 23rd flew their Roton ATV for the first time, doing multiple rotor-borne liftoffs, low-altitude hovers, and landings over the course of several minutes. The ATV is Rotary's "Aerial Test Vehicle", intended to demonstrate structures, systems, and the rotor-borne landing mode for the company's planned Roton reusable launch vehicle. This initial flight took place several months behind the original (very aggressive) schedule - late, but not in our view unusually so, given the leanness of the budget (Rotary built and flew the ATV on $30 million total funding that we know of) and the universality of Murphy's Law - development projects *always* take a little longer than the engineers expect. Unfortunately, Rotary seems to have run low on shoestring - their ATV flight coincided with the effective date of their second round of layoffs. We have not been able to get a definitive answer on the scope of the latest round of layoffs (we observe that even for companies in trouble, not being straight with the press is counterproductive) but it seems likely based on what we have been able to dig out that absent an immediate infusion of cash, Rotary is at best in mothballs and at worst is history. ________________________________________________________________________ Miscellany - United Space Alliance (USA), the Boeing/Lockheed-Martin Shuttle operating consortium, is sponsoring the Space Shuttle Development Conference at NASA Ames, Moffet Field CA (actual site seems to be the Westin Santa Clara) with an all-star cast, Wednesday July 28th through Friday July 30th, 1999. The general theme of the conference seems to be the prospects for continuing Shuttle operations for decades to come. Information at; media registration contact is Jack King at 407 861-4358. - The US Department of Defense has adopted its first major new space policy in a while - one key point being that we will treat space a lot more like we treat the sea and international airspace, as a medium where we support freedom of navigation and we will defend US assets, another point being that we will be pushing toward more flexible lower-cost space operations, both unmanned and potentially (if the cost comes down enough) manned. - And finally for this Update, Rotary Rocket isn't the only outfit on a too-short shoestring. Information warfare in support of radically cheaper space transportation costs a whole lot less than actually developing hardware, but it still costs. If you like what we're doing and you want to see more, money is the sincerest form of flattery. An SAS membership is $30, and gets you a discount on our annual conference (Space Access '00, April 27-29, 2000, in Phoenix Arizona) plus direct email subscription to our Updates and Alerts. Yes, we give away our Updates and Alerts promiscuously - Job #1 is to get across our point of view. No, we don't incessantly nag SAS members to renew or donors to give more - we're old-fashioned enough to think that's rude. No, donations to SAS are not tax-deductible - we do far too much lobbying to qualify for 501c3 tax-deductible status without lying like rugs, and regardless of how common this may be we won't do it. And no, we won't take donations from government contractors that might be affected by our positions; that way lies self-censoring impotence as the next big corporate check gets ever more important. We've seen that, we won't do it. Given the above self-imposed restrictions, it's a tribute to our supporters that we're still here and fighting after seven years. We've seen checks for five bucks, we've seen a blessed few for a thousand. Money translates very directly to time and energy - we thank you every one for all you've given over the years. It's settling into a long grinding struggle, alas. Please, help us stick with it. Send your checks to SAS, 4855 E Warner Rd #24-150, Phoenix AZ 85044. ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society's sole purpose is to promote radical reductions in the cost of reaching space. You may redistribute this Update in any medium you choose, as long as you do it unedited in its entirety. ________________________________________________________________________ Space Access Society "Reach low orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the Solar System" - Robert A. Heinlein